It's time to give Props to some folks who have been supportive of my blog. I've meant to do this for a while now and finally decided tonight was the time. My blog is only seven months old, but there are quite a few people who have been kind enough to read my drivel.
TexWisGirl at The Run*A*Round Ranch Report has been a huge supporter and recently gave me a very nice award (more about that in a future post). She is one of my most consistent commenter's. Nancy at A Rural Journal and Dawn at Puzzle Pieces have also been very kind in their support and feedback. Nancy has promoted my blog more than once on Facebook. If you want to see some truly beautiful photographs, just visit these three outstanding blogs!
Mel over at Blog Cabin Angler has been a long time supporter of my blog and has routinely provided me with great feedback. Mel has an outstanding fishing blog and is a true gentleman. Kari, known to me as RH, runs I Don't Wear Pink Camo to the Woods and is one beer sponsor away from her own TV show. Kari does something few others do - when I put up a new blog post, I don't have to go to Twitter and announce it - Kari will do it for me on her own. She's cool like that! I tend to remember those kinds of things and do the same in return. Like Mel, Kari has an outstanding blog.
Al at The SoCal Bowhunter has been a big asset to me with his feedback and willingness to share information. His blog was featured as my most recent blog of the week and it's well deserved. Al is an all around great guy with a wonderful blog. Joe runs this thing he calls Massanutten Game Trails and has been a familiar face here on my blog. I appreciate his support. He's got some of the coolest trail cam pics around and a very intriguing blog.
LB at Bullets and Biscuits just cracks me up! It's hard to tell what you're gonna get with her, but just the fact that she reads my "what-passes-for-a-blog" is enough for me. Her blog is a treat. I can't promise what kind of treat it'll be every time, but a treat, nonetheless. Stephanie over at Antlers & Gills has been around for a while and I always enjoy hearing from her. She has a great blog full of wonderful photos and interesting stories. The same goes for Emily at Scent Free Lip Gloss. She has a very intriguing blog and I appreciate the feedback she leaves me.
Some of the folks who are a bit newer to my blog include Kerry at Chaplain to the Outdoorsmen, Justin at Foggy Mountain Meanderings, Lisa at Sall's Country Life, and Duane at Wild Wisconsin. I'm thankful for their feedback and support and they probably just haven't been here long enough to figure out not to come back. These folks have outstanding blogs and I encourage you to visit them. I also want to make special mention of the girl at Hunt Like You're Hungry. I don't know her name so please don't think I'm being rude. Apparently, that information requires some top level clearance which I obviously do not possess. She also has a great blog full of interesting stories and I appreciate her feedback here.
My props wouldn't be complete without thanking Chris and Jon at Foremost Hunting Blog. They have been big supporters of my blog on Twitter. They're also responsible for my current blog template. Both of them are great guys and very generous with their information and assistance.
I realize I may ruffle some feathers somewhere because I forgot somebody. I did not go back and look through my posts to see who had commented. This was written from memory and the folks here are ones I recall seeing either recently or consistently (or both). It was not meant as a slight to anyone and if I did forget to mention you, please let me know and I will do so. I believe in giving credit where it's due. Just don't send hate mail. I hope to do this periodically just as a way of saying thank you to the people who actually take in my nonsense. I'm a little fish in a big blog pond and truly do appreciate the comments, feedback, and support.
Now on to the Pardon portion. Pardon me for being scarce lately. TexWisGirl recently chewed me out for not posting more often. Well, okay, she didn't actually chew me out - it was more of a scolding. Okay, not even a scolding. It was more of a suggestion or perhaps a wish that I would post more often. My biggest enemy in that endeavor is time. This week I suddenly found myself in the middle of a big, time-consuming, yet important "project" and it's likely I will be even more absent at times over the next few weeks until it's over. Life must be prioritized and this thing is very near the top. However, I will strive to post whenever I can until things settle down.
Okay, I'll wrap this up with the Prep section. My bass tournament partner and I were supposed to go fishing today in preparation for our first tourney in two weeks. Ma Nature had other plans, though, so we did the next best thing - we sorted tackle and got our gear ready. We spent about four hours this afternoon putting fresh line on all the reels, going through lures, and making sure all the necessary equipment was in the boat.
A few weeks ago when we went to Bass Pro Shops, Jim bought a new chip for his fish/depth finder that has maps of most lakes in the southeastern part of the country. Many of the lakes are in high definition which shows contours all the way down to as little as one foot of water. It's pretty neat technology. After Jim had installed the chip and turned the unit on, he astutely commented that it was showing no fish under the boat. I'm sure the fact that the boat was on the trailer parked in the garage had nothing to do with it. I offered to toss some Goldfish crackers under the boat...I do what I can.
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Jim assuring me we'll catch big fish right here |
The only drawback to our tournament fishing is the fact it will compete with our turkey hunting time. While I love to hunt thunder chickens, I have to admit I'm very excited about fishing in these bass tournaments. I've never done it before and I'm looking forward to it.
So in conclusion, I really appreciate all of the support you all show my humble blog! I'll be a little busier than usual for a while, but I'll return the favor anytime I have the opportunity. And I promise TexWisGirl I'll post when I have the chance!
Bahhhahahahhha..GOLDFISH CRACKERS UNDER THE BOAT! Love it....that's all I would know to do;)
Hope you're going to post pictures of this "promising to be" eventful trip!
Thanks for the comment regarding my blog.
I enjoy reading what you write and share with us...even if it IS sporadic;))
I get it carries us away.
Have a great, and not-too-busy week.
(Don't forget to share your adventure...and I want to see the Goldfish crackers as they float by all soggy-like;)
Love it! I must "scold" you more often if it means blog hug posts! :)
Hey, like I said at my place, I understand that ya'll have lives. I'll try to work on my patience... :(
Truly hope your priority project works out. And hope your fishing tourney prep goes well too! That Jim sounds like a keeper, altho you might have been tempted to throw him back after that fish finder factoid... :)
Well, looky who commented, 1-2-3! I believe we are becoming predictable?
A woman? Predictable? Haha!
Thanks for the mention -- I truly enjoy reading your blog.
Oh, and four hours? My lord. That's alotta fish stuff. :)
THANKS Brian but it's really our pleasure to enjoy your blogging. Good luck with your project and fishing tournaments.
P.S. You're a wise man not to get on the bad side of TexWisGirl ;). LOL!!!
I like the new header. Have a great tournament.
Great list of bloggers! I haven't been as consistent with my blogging either. Hoping to get back in the swing of things and over to more outdoor blogs on a regular basis.
Good luck with the tournament!!!
Thanks for the props Brian!! You have been a great help with my blog since I started.. Great list of bloggers also.. It looks like I had most of them, but I managed to add a few more to my reading list..
Good luck in your tournament!!
MRH- Thanks so much for the props sir and know that I truly enjoy your blog. Every post is top notch and always worth the visit, so don't worry so much about how often you post. One good post is worth much more than 10 crappy ones in the grand scheme of things! (at least in my little brain box it is.)
Good luck in those fishing tournaments too! That sounds like great fun and I look forward to hearing about it!
HEY!! BJK!!!
Thank you too much for the shout out! I do try to do my best on my little blog.
PS. It's Lisa Jane. :-) There- now you're "in".
TexWisGirl jumped my butt too but I got my homework assignment done. I'm not staying on the bad side of her!
I truly enjoy reading your blog... (pssst, you can mail me the $20 later for typing that). But seriously, thanks for the "props". I'm glad I'm bringing a smile to someone's face because most of the time I think people rolling their eyes.
Now off to check out some of these others you suggested. And keep us updated on the tourney's too!
Brian, I am a humble person and when someone plugs my blog like you have, I am not sure quite what to say. Do know that it means a lot too me and I welcome you at any time over to the Blog Cabin Angler to talk fishing with me and share other stories. I have always found your blog very refreshing, informative, and well done. I have read some or all of your reviews and think that you do an outstanding job of sharing your view with your readers. I look up to you in that matter. Take care my friend, and, happy hook ups in the bass boat.
Hey BJK, I must've missed this post during our transition back to our farm! What a nice post! I can't believe your blog is only 7 months old, you write like a pro and I am always entertained when I stop by. Great list of bloggers here - I am lucky enough to share their support also. Hope you are having great luck at the fishing tournaments by now!!
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