Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ring-billed Gulls

I photographed these Ring-billed Gulls on a dreary winter day when the lake was partially frozen. The light wasn't the best and I didn't have the deep blue sky as a background, but I turned up the ISO to get a suitable shutter speed and made do. Don't let an overcast day keep you from shooting. The gulls have been gone for some time now. Had I not made the best of a blah day and been there when the gulls were active, I would have missed out.


Anonymous said...

Great job Brian, I like the one with the piece of bread. I see these all the time at our local Walmart, but can't figure out why they prefer "THAT" store and not any others that are nearby.

Nancy said...

Looks like he stole part of your lunch! Great shots, despite the dreary weather.

Leenie said...

Digital cameras have given us such freedom to shoot endlessly with no concern for blowing through wads of film plus the instant feedback. Although a blue sky is nice, I like the soft look of the gray background.

There are so many kinds of gulls and your photos bring out details to make it easier to see the differences.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful shots. graceful wings. :)

HansHB said...

Awesome photos!
Perfect post for WBW!
Have a nice evening!

Tombstone Livestock said...

great pics even without blue sky

Karen said...

Fabulous captures!

EG CameraGirl said...

Gulls are so graceful in the air, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

I learned long ago to not despair over a gloomy overcast day. Sometimes it works to your advantage. Really great inflight shots you have. Well done.

Carletta said...

Excellent shots made that bad day not bad at all!
Terrific in flight shots!

Modesto Viegas said...

Good series!

Deanna said...

All I can say is WOW! Awesome photos, Brian. Thanks for stopping by to see my barns.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful shots, Brian. Such clarity!

joo said...

I love gulls! Your photos are simply great!

Joanne Olivieri said...

To see these gorgeous gulls so detailed and captured in flight is just amazing. Beautiful shots.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Gulls are so graceful and their flight seems effortless. Very nice shots!

theconstantwalker said...

Fantastic flight shots Brian... a beautiful gull to see.

Linda said...

Your shots are great in spite of the dreary day! They are so graceful...very nice!

Connie Smiley said...

Great shots! With focus and composition like that, who needs a blue sky?

mick said...

Great photos. You and your camera coped with the grey day very well!

eileeninmd said...

Awesome captures of the gull in flight! Well done!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Exceptional shots of the Sea Gull. They are pesty and humorous at the same time. I love them over water, not so much in the store parking lot. Your clarity is amazing.

Andrea of From The Sol

Tammy said...

Beautiful captures, especially on a dreary day!

Gillian Olson said...

Great pictures, very crisp. I see one of them has picked up a snack.

Springman said...

Looks like perfect light to me. Fortunately even 800iso seems to be pretty free of grain on our nice Dslr's especially if the bird already fills the frame and you can keep your finger off the crop button in PP. The translucent quality of the gull wings in your photos is so cool. You had it all going on that day Brian!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

All I can say is Superb quality in the fine images that you produced, wonderful close-ups, crisp just marvelous! Well done~

Stewart M said...

Hi may have the second (I think) largest gull in the world - but Ring Bills are not exactly dull!

Great set of shots.

Stewart M - Australia

Liz said...

Brilliant shots Brian!!
I've missed blogging, particularly the WBW link up.

Nature Rambles said...

The most beautiful images! The white background looks nice...for a change!

Debbie said...

oh what beautiful shots. awesome close ups, graceful flight shots.

i live at the jersey shore, i photograph seagulls (all the time) way too much!! i love them!! they often "float" above me. i guess they think i have food but i prefer to think they are posing for me!!

too bad you did not get a bluer sky but i never let that stop me from shooting either.

it that a pb&j sandwich in his mouth??

Tezzie said...

Wonderful work! And, I think I LIKE the fact that they're not shot against a predictable bright blue sky...I like the softness the pale grayish blue gives.

barbara l. hale said...

We seem to take them for granted there are so many around here. But they are fantastic flyers and fun to watch. Great shots! I, too, like the one with the bread.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Excellent and beautiful photos.

Regards and best wishes

Phil Slade said...

Great shots BJK. We dont get many Ring bills in UK so thanks for showing all those pics.

Kathie Brown said...

Very nice shots! Although they are common, gulls are always fun and easy to practice your photography skills on!

Pamela Gordon said...

Wow, these are amazing shots! You must be fast on the trigger to get gulls in flight. lol

penny said...

Stunning shots of the soaring gulls, Brian.

NatureFootstep said...

really great shots or this gull. Sharp and great light too.

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Poor thing. Looks like his wife tape up his beak with electrical tape...must've talked back to her ;)