Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Robins, Robins, Robins

Robins are the quintessential springtime bird and they began showing up here in numbers back in late February. I'm sure the very mild winter played a part in their earlier-than-usual arrival. Now they're everywhere! I sat out on the patio one evening and watched the bird equivalent of an MMA fight between two robins. And they're pulling earthworms out of my lawn faster than I can grow 'em. Robins are very common and often ignored in favor of flashier birds, but fun to watch when they hunt for worms.

I'm sure they're just glad not to be dealing with this any longer.


Carole M. said...

Hi Brian! Lovely to see the robins in this environment. I've always enjoyed seeing them like your last photo, in a wintery scene, all plumped up. Quite different to see them up close and when it's not so cold like you've shown. They got lucky with all the worms in your lawn!

Linda said...

I love the way you showed off the different attitudes...they definitely seemed to be squaring off! Very nice shots - lots of detail can be seen on these birds. We have had many of them in the yard also - I spent some time photographing two of them on the roof of the shed the other morning - pecking away at something.

Deb said...

I love watching Robins.....great shots

Kathy said...

I guess we all love robins!

Marc Heath said...

What a superb set of shots, the quality is excellent.

Anonymous said...

Robins can be so entertaining in their search for worms! Mine follow me around the yard while I do yardwork and at times are within a few feet of where I am, watching me!

TexWisGirl said...

we were lucky to keep them here in Tx all winter - usually they move on through, but w/ our complete lack of snow, they knew they didn't have to head further south. these are beautiful shots. you grow worms in kentucky? :)

FAB said...

Excellent series of your worm eater Brian.

EG CameraGirl said...

Robins were early here too this year, although I must confess that I saw a few robins in January on the north side of Lake Ontario so I think a few never went very far south.

Amila Kanchana said...

I find them beautiful, super cool captures too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I really love these guys -- and they're not common birds here in Florida (I mean never here as far as I know.) So it's another spring harbinger that we miss from the days when we lived in Oregon. (The robins though, unlike the daffodils and other spring flowers, will still be there when we go "home" for the summer. Your pictures really caught some personality! Thank you.

theconstantwalker said...

Your Robin is a lovely little bird to see Brian... and so different from ours.. I have one singing outside my window as I write.
Great images.

Alan Pavey said...

Great pics Brian, I would really like to find one of those over here, there have been a handful of records :-)

Unknown said...

Common,but still attractive, and what's more important they're here now. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

FjÀllripan said...

Beautiful series of the robins! This is a bird I have never seen.

Shaun said...

Wow, how they differ to the European robins. What a fantastic little bird though.

barbara l. hale said...

Nice tribute to the robin! They are fun birds to watch.

Anonymous said...

These a wonderful images. I agree with you - Robins are a much overlooked bird.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

These are different kind of robin from the ones we have where I live (England). Ours sing beautifully - do these too?

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful and wonderful portraits of this robin. They are rather fun bird to watch.

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful series of Robin photos! I love to hear them singing in the morning.

Modesto Viegas said...

What a great series!!!

eileeninmd said...

Great series on the Robin. They are fun to watch and I love the listen to them. Great post and photos.

Gillian Olson said...

Great Robin close ups, I find them a difficult bird to capture because they don't seem to stay still for more than a few seconds.

HansHB said...

Awesome photos of a lovely bird with great colours!
This is a perfect post for WBW!

Larry said...

Excellent close-ups of the American Robin Brian. We are getting quite an influx too. I hope some of them nest here!

Carletta said...

They've been here for a few weeks. My Mom lives an hour away from me and she was disappointed she didn't see them first. :)
I love watching them cock their head. I do think they are often overlooked but they are honestly one of my favorites.
Beautiful series Brian!

Springman said...

Excellent set Brian, even the winter pic!
Robins simply won't be ignored, they must be photographed. I always admired robins for providing for themselves and not taking handouts at the feeder but your right, they are dedicated worm hunters. I love the robin action after a good rainstorm!

Tammy said...

Excellent Robin photos! The large flocks here have left the area, must of headed your way:)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Oh, I love robins. You got some really good photos! I have a few in my back yard, but never seem to be able to capture them.

mick said...

Great photos of the Robins and I'm sure they would be fun to watch.

Nature Rambles said...

Looking at your robins, how I wish my backyard birds had some colour on them!! Ours are mainly black, grey, and brown. It's a pleasure to see your fantastic photos...always!

NatureStop said...

Hi Brian,
greetings from Oman...great shots of the robins!


CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the beautiful robins.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Robins are such spunky little birds- great pics!

John said...

Hi Gary,
Brilliant shots of a stunning bird! Your Robin is just so different to ours, more like a funny looking Blackbird!:)

Liz said...

Awesome captures Brian! I'm sure they are loving the lack of snow.

Debbie said...

WoW...these shot are just so crisp clear!! i don't usually see robins in the winter but this winter they never left. perhaps it was the warmer temperatures!!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous robin photos! I really enjoyed seeing these and I enjoy the robins, too. I had one that would follow me around when I would water my yard when we lived in NC. The wet dirt made it easier to get to the worms and I loved the fact that I was giving her a little assist. One spring day she had a baby out on the lawn, feeding it some of the worms. Very sweet!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Such beautiful images shared her, simply gorgeous! I so love those Robin songs first thing in the morning and later in the day.
I also enjoy watching them this time of year, as they gather multiple worms in their beak to take to their young ones.
We usually have Robins all year, or at least as few, as they stick around for the tons of conifer tree berries left behind and they also like Sumac.
Happy Easter season~

Sivinden said...

Great shots of a colorful bird!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I love Robins ... and your pictures are so true to the personality of these adorable birds. I am glad to see someone give them their due. Some of our Robins stay all winter because of all of the forest preserves and state parks that are loaded with berries which is, apparently, their winter fair. However, the ones that come back early don't do as well when there is a late snow, so I always have my fingers crossed when I see the early birds. We have freeze warnings now after our early spring ... could be a sad outcome for birds and plants.

Enjoyed your pictures ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Jenn Jilks said...

Fabulous shots. Well done. You're a pro.