Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bath Time...Great Blue Heron Style

While I've witnessed ducks and geese bathing ad nauseam, this was the first time I had witnessed (and photographed) a Great Blue Heron getting its clean on. Bath time lasted probably ten minutes with the heron taking breaks periodically between washes. It was amusing to see how quickly the bird went from the "mad heron on crack" look to silky smooth like nothing had happened.


Carole M. said...

:) they made me smile a lot; fabulous photographs. What a great opportunity being there to witness that. Must've been your lucky day Brian.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic series, great job! I have spent the last 5-10 minutes scrolling fast through the series with my 2yr.old Grandson, watching it like a silent movie!

Every time we came to the end it was...
"Do it agin Gammy"

Thank you Brian for making our day!!

TexWisGirl said...

WOW! this series is great!! the crazed looks are terrific, but the ones of water across the eyes are my favorites! you really are amazing with GBHs!

Unknown said...

Great captures!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I have never seen them do this. What an opportunity for you and you captured it wonderfully. Thanks for sharing that!

Unknown said...

What a great series of shots! Excellent! I've never seen anything like it in the Heron! I guess they must be secret bathers. Well captured!

theconstantwalker said...

A fantastic series of images Brian...so sharp and like watching a slow motion clip..(probably your intention)
Nice one...

mick said...

A great series of photos.

Shaun said...

"mad heron on crack" that has made me chuckle. A wicked set of images. this is a first for me to see aswell.

Springman said...

Brilliant laugh out loud writing and smokin' hot pictures to match. Love the new header too.
I have seen a lot of herons but I have never seen anything like this. Your status is confirmed as the Blue heron master. You have really struck gold here Brian, call NG!

Marc Heath said...

A great series of shots, very nicely presented.

Dina said...

These are really great! I don't think I've ever seen a great blue taking a bath like this.

Martha Z said...

I've never seen this, maybe he has a hot date!

NatureFootstep said...

o boy, I would have loved seeing this on video. I totally love your shots. Thanks for sharing. :)

eileeninmd said...

Cool captures of the heron's bath time. Wonderful series!

holdingmoments said...

A great series capturing his bath time. Excellent.

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Just that quick and all 2000 birdie parts clean as a whistle! :)

Kathie Brown said...

Oh, what a treat! great shots!

Larry said...

Awesome series Brian! I have never seen a Great Blue bathing either. I love that shot with its head underwater, then the next two images showing that nictitating membrane covering its eyes as it comes out of the water.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful sequence of shots. It has become super clean.

Deb said...

he really let his hair down....I've never seen one do anything but stand up tall or eat...

Tammy said...

Outstanding series Brian! I see a lot of GBHs, but I don't think I've ever seen them bathing before either! You captured that action so well!

(◔‿◔) said...

Verry nice Picture-Serie from heron (this bird is called in Germany "Reiher") in a public bath"room". *lol* Your Blog ist wonderful. I ♡ outdoor-pics. My photos from Berlin. Pleas have a stop and check out my Blog. I am pleased.
Many Greetings ☆
Mein Fotoblog

Alan Pavey said...

Brilliant set BJK, what great thing to witness and captured stunningly.

Stewart M said...

Great set of pictures - and (possibly) an even better description of the transformation!

Stewart M - Australia

PS: Small world - as I was looking at your blog - your comment on mine popped up!

siga said...

Gosh, even looking funny ridiculous this bird is so beautiful! Incredible shots!

Modesto Viegas said...

Great series!!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Wow, that's a new one for me. I did see a Great Blue actually swimming like a swan in our lake, for a minute or so. It was intent on catching fish in a large school that had attracted quite a crowd of waders. It walked out until it started floating, and then just seemed to paddle out and back as it continued to hunt.

barbara l. hale said...

Great series of shots! Love the detail. What a bird!

John said...

A great series of photos!

Linda said...

absolutely amazing series of photos

Carletta said...

Wow, great shots!
I watch my little backyard birds frolicking in the birdbath but I've never really considered the big ones taking baths - silly of me but there you go. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully entertaining series of photos and your description!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Whoosh bath time with the Great Blue Heron...INCREDIBLE display. I truly do not believe I ever withnessed this activity before as much as I have seen them about...great series!

Sue H said...

Wow, what a great series of photos!

Mary said...

wonderful action shots!

Joe said...

Looked like a bad hair day there for a minute.