Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Feathers At The Feeder

These are some of the birds that have been frequenting the feeders lately. The diners include Carolina Chickadees, Cardinals, Tufted Titmouses (or Titmice depending on your take), Blue Jays, Downy Woodpeckers, and various sparrows. There haven't been any finches yet and the thistle seed remains untouched. 

I've scared off a stray black cat several times and I'm growing increasingly impatient with his trespassing and hunting on my property. Evidently, he didn't read my blog post about obtaining permission for hunting private land. *smile*

(Sorry about the less than stellar photos. They were taken through glass which we all know is kind of a pain.)

*Edit: I was asked if I would label the photos since the birds were unfamiliar to some people. My apologies - I should have done that in the first place. I forgot not everyone has these species in their part of the world. The photos are labeled now.

Carolina Chickadee

Carolina Chickadee

Cardinal (male)

Cardinal (male)

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Cardinal (female)

Cardinal (female)

Downy Woodpecker (male)

Downy Woodpecker (male)

House Sparrow

House Sparrow


Martha Z said...

Great variety at your feeders. I don't get as many species at mine.

Esther Garvi said...

Such beauties!!!

TexWisGirl said...

Less than stellar. I laugh at you. These are fabulous, as always.

Stray kitties be warned!

holdingmoments said...

Such beautiful visitors.
Love the Cardinal.

Nature Rambles said...

All so beautiful!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very crisp photos. The glass is only a PANE! (;>)

Carole M. said...

Hi BJK! Regardless of photos through the glass they're each fabulous. You have such a lovely assortment of small birds to enjoy. So many here to comment on individually but they're all crackers :)

raf said...

Wonderful variety of backyard birds, BJK. Excellent captures all!

theconstantwalker said...

Lovely images Brian.. you have some wonderful looking birds.
It's great to see you keep your windows so clean... Take care and all the best for 2012..

TexWisGirl said...

yup. still laughing.

mick said...

Great photos - even through the glass! But please will you label each photo. ALL your birds are very strange to me!!

Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful images of some of my favorite birds, with reservations of course, i.e. House Sparrow, and perhaps Blue Jays because when they arrive all the other birds take flight and they pack their cheeks so full, that little remains.

NatureFootstep said...

I adore that Tufted Titmouse, wish we had it. :) Great shots. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! The photos are great! I would have never known they were taken through a glass window! You did a great job capturing them in the moment.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous photos of your feeder birds.

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

I can't get over the close up and details of their claws? Talons? Feet?

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Wonderful photos! You seem so close, your windows must be very clean if you are shooting through them.

You mention two lenses you use with your Canon 60D, are these kit lenses? Whatever you are using, the results are fantastic.

Deb said...

I love your birds.....great photos...

Rambling Woods said...

I would be thrilled with these photos...I haven't had many goldfinch after having many in the fall here in western NY..have no idea as to what's going on as I usually have at least 40 in a flock...thank you for visiting my hairy woodpecker post

Anonymous said...

What a great series of pictures. Well done. I fixed the video on the Falcated Duck so it will play now. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry it wasn't working at the time.

Ida said...

These are wonderful. How lucky you are to have so many different birds to view and photograph.

Ida said...

These are wonderful. How lucky you are to have so many different birds to view and photograph.

Arija said...

Love all the little birds that frequent your feeder but the top of the pics for me this time is the female cardinal, mush less showy than the male but so pretty with her more muted colouring.

Stewart M said...

Nice set of pictures.

The Cardinals are great.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Mary Howell Cromer said...

These are all wonderful images. Chickadees are always so sweet! It looks like you could have stood in my garden and gotten these captures, for each of these species visits daily.
Happy New Year~

Modesto Viegas said...

Very good series!!!

Springman said...

Top notch stuff Brian! In particular the Blue Jay photo shows it's feathers to spectacular effect. I'm bonkers about that one! You must keep your glass very clean.
I'm looking forward to 2012 and more of your "less than stellar" masterpieces!

Nancy said...

*less than stellar*?


these are gorgeous, BJ.

??? said...

Beautiful photos. It seems that reading US bird blogs has taught me well, I could have identified all the species. I'm just in love with Tufted Titmice (mouses?), such adorable birds.

barbara l. hale said...

Terrific photos! Looks like we get the same kind of visitors to our feeders. We have had quite a few Juncoes, too. Love them all. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Pat Ulrich said...

Terrific shots of your backyard birds -- I always enjoy watching chickadees!

joo said...

What a beautiful collection! I love all of them, but the wee Chickadee is my favourite:)

Anonymous said...

At least you CAN label your birds, much better than I could do this week. Yours are beautiful and I wish I had a feeder outside my window!

Lisa said...

Outstanding Birds. I love the Blue Jay. I nailed my first one a while back. Nothing like yours .Wow.

Joe said...

Great shots. I can't keep our feeders filled.

Liz said...

WOW! Brilliant images. It seems a bird feeder is the way to go for some great shots.
The Cardinal is so cute. And the tail feathers of the Blue Jay are gorgeous! I love the Woodpecker.

Larry said...

These are awesome shots of your feeder birds Brian, pane or no pain! Even though you don't have a Steller's Jay ;-) that Blue Jay is gorgeous! My favorites always lean to the woodpeckers though and your Downy is a very handsome fellow. I also have a penchant for the female Northern Cardinal as opposed to the male. I think the subtleties of her plumage makes her more beautiful than her counterpart.