Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Portraits Of A Heron

These photos were all taken of the same Great Blue Heron on the same beautiful day, but in different locations around the lake. Herons frequently stand on or next to things like stumps, dead falls, trees, posts, railings, etc. Rather than zooming in close on the bird's head, I wanted these shots to include some of the heron's element.


Carole M. said...

each is the perfect shot! Good to see a little of the prop beside also; gosh they're each so sharp too. Excellent results!

Anonymous said...

He/she seems to be posing for the camera, great shots.

TexWisGirl said...

4th and 6th are fantastic! such a dramatic stance and attitude! love 'em! your GBH portraiture is perfect.

Unknown said...

Good sharp captures!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Springman said...

Leave it to you Brian to dazzle us with GB heron shots! It is quite nice to see the context of their environment in these. The bridge shot has wonderful depth with the perspective of the railings. You could make bronze statues out of any of these poses. Number 6 is a total classic!
Cheers to you!

Dina said...

They all look great. I love that mean look. You can really see their personalities.

mick said...

A great series of photos and I really like the way those long plumes show differently in each pose.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful Brian...
beautiful birds to see your images are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic shots!

barbara l. hale said...

Great heron pics! Love the way their feathers blow in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...well done!

Carletta said...

Awesome shots!
I love the look in the last one. It's as if he's saying 'ok, I've had enough.' :)

eileeninmd said...

AWEsome shots of the GB heron!

Modesto Viegas said...

Good work, well done!!!

Deb said...

love them all....

Tammy said...

Great photos! I love all the different perches! I also like the look on the birds face in the last picture!!!

Reena said...

Very sharp photos and love all the different angles you were able to capture!

Liz said...

WOW Brian! I am in awe!! These are such great shots & so sharp. Brilliant. I have found herons not ver cooperative... I am thinking I probably need a 400mm lens for the more illusive birds. My 250mm just isn't enough sometimes (never thought I'd sat that!!)

Nadege, said...

Wow, beautiful bird captures, so crisp and sharp. I love your compositions, showing the bird in it environment.

Unknown said...

They are once again fantastic!
I really dig the last one where he sort of looks angry :)

Arija said...

The last shot is priceless, a bad hair day if ever there was one! Each one has something special, the second that shows off his old-man's beard , the fourth with the plaited chain around his neck and shadow on his shoulder, all gorgeous.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - like the way you have caught the wildness in his (her?) eye.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

LeenaH said...

Herons are the birds, who are so exotic to me, I have seen them only from faraway during my journeys.
Wonderful to see them in your good photos, thanks!

Tammy said...

Great shots of one of my favorite birds. I think that last one takes the cake for me. I love the windswept look, and that marvelous stump!

darlin said...

Brian these are stunning photos, each one is crystal clear and I'm wowed! What type of a lens were you using? Two thumbs up!!

darlin said...

Brian these are stunning photos, each one is crystal clear and I'm wowed! What type of a lens were you using? Two thumbs up!!

joo said...

Herons are great! Top models posing gladly:)

NatureFootstep said...

how did you come that close? Grat shots of the heron.

Hilke Breder said...

Great portrait images of the heron! He looks very serious, as if thinking hard about some deep subject.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Brian, every one one of the Heron images evokes a different feel and all are strong images showing the beautiful detail of this wonderful bird...the elements only add to what the subject already brings with it!!!

Larry said...

Gorgeous shots of the Great Blue Heron Brian! I love that wind-swept look and the last shot is absolutely fantastic!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Definitely it's including his element that makes these such outstanding pictures BK! Of course, the Great Blue is such an incredibly handsome fellow, you do have a great subject.

Judy said...

He is a beauty! And so calm, to let you photograph him!! I love all the detail you have captured in his feathers!!