Saturday, June 28, 2014

Cute And Maddening

1/400 sec. f/8 ISO 2500

Eastern Gray Squirrel


Mary Howell Cromer said...

Yes VERY Cute and MOST maddening. I have so many in my woods and yard, hand raised 63 in 8 years all released near here and I think they all stayed and had babies here huge sigh ;) Beautiful images though!

Haddock said...

Very cute.... in the last picture he looks very lean.

eileeninmd said...

So true! They are maddening! But, also very cute! Great photos, Brian!
Thanks for sharing your post with Saturday's Critters. Have a happy weekend!

Andy said...

The details in your photos are first class.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Brian FANTASTIC SHOTS. I love this critter. Have a great weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

adorable stinker! love the expressions you caught.

Debbie said...

oh brian, these are really awesome, so much beautiful detail!!

21 Wits said...

Agreed! Fun capture too.

Roan said...

Perfect description!

Bas. said...

O wat staat hij er geweldig op.

Karen said...

I agree, the ones in my yard are digging up my squash plants. Terrific shots!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great captures! I love the detail of the fur and that bushy tail.

Lina Gustina said...

Cute standing pose. Great shots.

Montanagirl said...

We have squirrels too - I'm not a fan. They're very destructive. However, he is very cute, and your photos are excellent: Such clarity and detail!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely squirrel. Nice pics.. Regards..

Anonymous said...

Excellent takes but oh are they a pain at bird feeders.

Oh Brian you have a face under that

cowboy hat.

I was going to ask you if. Then I thought I might spoil my whole perspective and you would not visit my blog. Right.

oh here it goes. You are a handsome Dude.

Lindsjö taxar said...

Hi Brian!
THanks for your kind comments. Qute squirrel you catched. Ours I saw here are now gone.
Today Heavy rain but now is the sun coming through the dark Clouds.

sunshine said...

I think there are both, fantastic photos and great details.

Unknown said...

Fabulous shots of this cutie.

Gail Dixon said...

Ha, yep! Your title says it all. I think he could use a modesty patch, too. j/k :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots!

Unknown said...

Fantastic photos! They are very fun animals to watch and photograph.

Saun said...

They are cute to shoot awesome shots!

Ida said...

Some find them maddening but I just find them cute. I love watching them. Your shots are fabulous.

A Colorful World said...

He's so sweet, but I know they can be annoying at times.:-) Great photos!

I just read about your move to a website and will be checking in with you there as often as before. No problem! I can see where it will be easier for you to have everything in one place. I'm glad you'll still be following your blogger friends...I would miss you!